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Boss idea for KF2/KF3: Surgeon General.


Mar 21, 2024
Basically a "King Fleshpound" version of the Scrake. Mask and apron are armored, spawns 2 Scrakes per player, will perma-enrage after its mask is removed and receive a movement speed increase once its apron is destroyed (less weight to carry), can be staggered/stumbled/knocked down, poison/fire will make it panic and it can even be stunned with flashbangs once its mask is removed.

Has mostly the same attacks as a Scrake with more damage/range, but can buff the Scrakes supporting it (temporarily enraging those within range) and also possesses an instant kill attack, a dashing lunge that will impale and gore any player caught by it, complete with its own animation. Cannot be tanked, MUST be sidestepped.
Matriarch is definitely the hardest, but while Hans haven't scared me in years... I still struggle against the Patriarch unless my team is very coordinated. Admittedly, I learned how to deal with him fairly well, even in solo, but he can still chew through players quite fast. But there's no denying that the King Fleshpound is laughable. Sure, his laser beam can deal plenty of damage... but the fact you can simply crouch and dodge it makes the boss a real breeze to defeat.

As for OP's idea though... Yeaaah, no. I must say that I also believe that turning regular zeds into bosses has already grown old. Unless you give them plenty of new abilities, they'll always fall short compared to bosses thought from the beginning as bosses. And even with new abilities, well, that's my point... why not come up with a new boss from the get-go?

Instant kill also doesn't sound fun at all. I'm all for challenging bosses, but that's a bit much, especially if you're a solo player. And since the rest of his kit is pretty much the base Scrake, but stronger... It's really not a very captivating idea at all. Bullet sponges are rarely favored by players.
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Something i see that a good boss fight needs for KF is the need of cooperation between the players for example (Also a badass boss music):
KF1 patriarch: this dude really needed a good teamwork (of course if didn´t go doing the classic mine bombs and AA12 shotguns) his almost instakill hits combined with its speed was sure a pain at the end of any game.

Matriarch: (my fav boss and music fight) this girl really make honor to her dads legacy being a nightmare for a HoE game if the team doesn´t work together, with her arsenal of close and large distance atacks along with its different phases (didn´t knew gains 30% of extra speed when theres only 1 player left) of the fight makes difficult to take her down alone without the help of other teammates (not like the case of KFP that only 1 demo can take him down even on a 6P HoE game only usign Kaboomstick+1 with seal squeal+1 and also luck of getting ammoboxes).

Those are the things i find that make these boss fight fun and challenging a fight that makes you feel part of something bigger in this case a part of a team and playing a role on it.
Cases like the medic field who needs to be really observant of how the players are doing and also sometimes buffing the players before something happens to them like getting hit giving them speed, strength, resistance.

Sorry if something is written bad english is not my main language.
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